The Scientific Process

The scientific process is a simple process used by scientists (obviously). It can also be used in a couple of different situations, not particularly just by scientists.

The first step of the scientific process is to ask a question. This consists of finding the issue. Finding the issue could be in a scientific way that would include an experiment. Or it could be in a non scientific way such as an argument.

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The second step of the scientific process is is to do background research. This is helpful because you get to know more about the the topic that you are using this method for. Doing some research could also help improve the question you are starting with.


The third step of the scientific process is to construct a hypothesis. This is basically like a prediction of what you think will happen in the experiment or problem.

The next step of the scientific process is the experiment. The execution of the whole question. This may be the longest step in the whole process depending on what you are planning on doing.

The fifth step is to simply analyze your data. Use the data that you have collected and find your conclusion. This step is pretty straight forward.

And that was the scientific process. Sometimes people add a separate sixth step of a conclusion but I feel like the analysis and conclusion kind of go together.


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