The Scientific Process

The scientific process is a simple process used by scientists (obviously). It can also be used in a couple of different situations, not particularly just by scientists.

The first step of the scientific process is to ask a question. This consists of finding the issue. Finding the issue could be in a scientific way that would include an experiment. Or it could be in a non scientific way such as an argument.

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The second step of the scientific process is is to do background research. This is helpful because you get to know more about the the topic that you are using this method for. Doing some research could also help improve the question you are starting with.


The third step of the scientific process is to construct a hypothesis. This is basically like a prediction of what you think will happen in the experiment or problem.

The next step of the scientific process is the experiment. The execution of the whole question. This may be the longest step in the whole process depending on what you are planning on doing.

The fifth step is to simply analyze your data. Use the data that you have collected and find your conclusion. This step is pretty straight forward.

And that was the scientific process. Sometimes people add a separate sixth step of a conclusion but I feel like the analysis and conclusion kind of go together.


Editing with your thumbs

Florida Trip

This very short film that I made on my phone was from a trip that I took with my friends to Florida last Thanksgiving.

This was super easy to make.All I did to complete this film was compile all of the pictures (that looked good) and added them to a folder. After I did this the only thing that took the most time was finding was music that fit the mood of this very short video.

Another thing that took a little more than no effort was creating a title picture. All I did was upload the picture to Snapchat and added the text onto it from there. After this I uploaded to it imovie and finished up the video.

This picture is one that I added into the video that I took of two of my friends that were on the trip.

This was the picture that we took in Epcot that I used for the title picture of this video.

Endangered Species Presentation: The Pygmy Hippo


The above link will take you to the original presentation that this video was made for.

Before I give you the link to our actual video of us presenting I will give you some background knowledge about the animal that we did this whole project over.

The pygmy hippo. You may have thought that this animal was doing okay or you didn’t even know that it existed.


Yes, they technically are just a smaller version of regular hippos but they do live in different areas and have different characteristics.


Now that you at least know something, I suggest to watch our video presentation to learn more. Here it is!


Day at the Dome Music Video

Day at the Dome MV

This music video was pretty simple to create but it also took me a while due to figuring out how to put in the title picture and exporting it and putting it onto here.



This heading or ‘title’ took me the longest to figure out how to do. But once I figured it out I was proud of how it turned out. I made this title picture on Photoshop using a picture that was provided to our class by our teacher when he went on his trip to Kenya.



This is my favorite picture that I put into this music video, even though we didn’t actually see them there. Adding a picture like this to the music video breaks it up from the activities that we did at the University of Notre Dame so that it wasn’t the same exact thing as my Day at the Dome Mini Documentary.



Day at the Dome Mini Documentary

Day at the Dome Mini Doc


This documentary had many ups and downs. Mostly including losing my video and trying to find it again. As well as lining up the audio with the pictures and videos.



This picture comes from the first video in my project. This was when we were being introduced to the subject of DNA in baboons and the social structure of them. During this time is when I took most of my notes so that I was able to make this video.



This screenshot from my Mini Documentary is from when we went to another building and looked at the baboon feces. We spent most of this time learning about parasites and what they look like so that we could find them.



The last thing i am going to talk about is this picture. We took this picture before we went into the first building. Since we took this picture at the beginning of the trip I put it at the beginning of my Mini Documentary. So that it can show what one of the buildings looked like that we went into.






Day at the Dome script writing process

To start out the writing process of the script I began with the beginning of the field trip and where we started out. Then throughout the script I went on to talk about the events in the order that we did them in the day. Next I had to find out where to stop. Was it the bus ride, getting back to school, or the last thing we did there. I found out that stopping at the last thing that we did at Notre Dame was best.

What my site is about

This bubble organizer shows you the six things that this site will be mostly about. This includes an educational side like school and the projects I do in there as well as traveling and hobbies and the sports that I do.